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Crate Training A Puppy In Only 6 Steps – The Easy Way

Last updated on January 7th, 2024 at 07:51 pm

Guide For Crate Training A Puppy: Congratulations! You’ve bought yourself a new dog. How do you get him used to his new home? Do you need to crate-train him? What should you look out for?

Are you eager to bring a new puppy into your home, but at the same time dreading how hard it’s going to be to house-train them?

Fear not – crate training has been proven to be one of the best methods for training puppies! Not only is crate training straightforward, but it can also help give your pup a sense of security, as they will have their own space where they can rest and relax.
Plus, properly doing so means fewer messes in the house and around your home – what’s there not to love? In this article, I’ll show you exactly how to go about crate training your puppy in just six simple steps.

Who needs a dog crate?

When you bring a new dog into your home, a crate is an essential tool to have. Not only does it provide a space for your pet to feel safe and comfortable in, preferably one that is their “den” for when they want some time alone or need a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life – but it will also help keep them out of trouble and protect them from potential hazards.

With the aid of a wire mesh dog crate, you can train your pup to be housebroken more quickly and easily. Moreover, it prevents your pet from getting into any forbidden items or ingesting anything dangerous when left unsupervised. It also keeps them from destroying furniture or playing with things they shouldn’t while you’re away.

What size dog crate should I buy?

Choosing the right size dog crate doesn’t have to be a difficult process. We make it easy by offering a variety of sizes so you can find one that’s exactly right for your pup, no matter their breed or size! Additionally, wire-crate models come with plastic dividers so you can adjust the space as your dog grows and develops.

For the best fit, measure your pup’s height and length from nose to tail, as well as their weight. Take these measurements into account when checking out manufacturers size recommendations. 

Crate Training A Puppy In Just 6 Simple Steps

#1 Choose the Right Crate for Your Dog

One of the most important things to keep in mind when picking the right crate is the size dog crate you should get your puppy should only have just enough room to turn around and lay down in their crate.

They should not be able to play on one side and potty on the other they also should not be able to pace and circle as this actually allows them to build up their anxiety while in the crate.

If the crate is too big you’re going to notice that your puppy has a lot more accidents in their crate, this is because the more movement they’re allowed to have in there the more their system is going to be processing, ideally, we want them to just remain calm relaxed and resting while in their crate.

#2 Know how Your Dog Will Be Most Comfortable

Most dogs are comfortable being petted on the chest, the shoulders, and the base of the neck

#3 Introduce your dog to the crate

Place the crate in an area of your house where the family spends a lot of time, such as the family room. Put a soft blanket or bed in the crate. 

Encourage your dog to enter the crate by dropping some small food treats nearby, then just inside the door, and finally, all the way inside the crate.

#4 Feed your dog meals in the crate

Then begin feeding them their regular meals near the crate. Once your dog is standing comfortably in the crate to eat its meal, you can close the door while they’re eating. The first time you do this, open the door as soon as they finish their meal.

#5 Play crate games

The dog shouldn’t see the crate as a negative place. To ensure this, incorporate the crate into fun games where the pup goes in and out of the open crate at their own will.

#6 Be patient

Prepare yourself for at least six months of training. There will be ups and downs since dogs aren’t linear learners, but success will come.


Crate training is a popular method for training puppies, and it offers many benefits. For example, crate training can help puppies feel safe and secure, as the crate can serve as a cozy den-like space.

Additionally, crate training can be useful for managing a puppy’s behavior and preventing accidents, as puppies are less likely to soil their sleeping area.

Moreover, crate training can help with the process of housebreaking, as puppies can learn to associate the crate with a place for sleeping and a place to go when they need to eliminate.

Overall, crate training is a valuable tool for puppy owners looking to establish a consistent routine and a safe, comfortable environment for their furry friend.

Source & Credits

Decoding Your Dog’s Body Language: Signs You Should Know

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