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Homemade Dog Food: A Recipe for Healthier, Happier Pets

Last updated on June 13th, 2023 at 07:43 am

Is your dog not getting the nutrition it needs? Are you concerned about the quality of store-bought dog food? Do you think that switching to a homemade diet would be healthier for your furry friend? (Homemade Dog Food)

Traditionally, people have fed their dog’s store-bought food. These days, more and more pet owners are beginning to see how beneficial homemade dog food can be. Not only is it often cheaper and healthier than commercially made varieties, but it also shows your pet some extra love when you make meals with fresh ingredients for them.

Benefits of Preparing Homemade Dog Food For Your Furry Friend

  • Fresh & High Quality Ingredients

    When making your own homemade dog food, you can pick the highest-quality ingredients that are not only fresh and healthy but also free of preservatives and fillers which you would get with many store-bought brands. Knowing that you are feeding your pet the freshest and healthiest ingredients is always worth it.

  • Control Of What’s Going In

    Although it may cost a bit on the front end, making world food for your dog often costs less over time than buying store-bought brands because there are no markups from middlemen or excessive packaging costs. With careful planning and shopping around for good deals on bulk ingredients, owners can save quite a bit over time if they make their pet's food at home!

  • Avoid Toxins Sometimes Found In Commercial Pet Foods

    While some commercial pet foods contain multitudes of toxic chemicals, preservatives, and byproducts (such as meat meal), these hazardous compounds are scarce in fresh homemade meals unless added by accident through contaminated ingredients or old oiled cookware (be sure to check expiration dates!)

  • Happy & Healthy Doggos

    Ultimately, providing your pup with an all natural diet prepared right in your own kitchen helps keep them full of energy year round while preventing various illnesses associated with poor nutrition such as obesity or digestive problems caused by processed fillers..

Dealing with a Dog’s Upset Stomach: Tips and Precautions

Dogs can have upset stomachs for a variety of reasons, such as eating something they shouldn’t, stress, or more serious health issues. If your dog has a mild upset stomach, there are several steps you can take to help them feel better. However, if your dog’s symptoms persist or are severe, you should contact your vet immediately.

  1. Fast: You should withhold food for a few hours (generally 12-24, depending on the size and health status of your dog) to give your dog’s stomach a break. However, ensure they have access to plenty of fresh water to prevent dehydration.

  2. Bland Diet: After the fasting period, reintroduce food slowly with a bland diet. Foods like boiled chicken and plain rice or sweet potatoes are easily digestible and can help soothe your dog’s stomach.

  3. Probiotics: Probiotics can help restore the balance of good bacteria in your dog’s digestive system and can help with symptoms like diarrhea.

  4. Hydration: Dogs with an upset stomach can become dehydrated, especially if they’re vomiting or have diarrhea. Make sure your dog has access to fresh water at all times. If they’re showing signs of severe dehydration, like dry gums or panting, contact your vet immediately.

  5. Monitor Your Dog: Keep a close eye on your dog’s behavior, energy levels, and symptoms. If your dog seems lethargic, or in pain, or if the symptoms don’t improve after a day or two, it’s time to visit the vet.

Remember that while a mild upset stomach can often be treated at home, more severe symptoms like blood in the stool or vomit, bloating, repeated vomiting, unexplained weight loss, or signs of pain, can indicate a more serious condition that needs immediate veterinary attention. Always contact your vet if you’re concerned about your dog’s health.

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