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Start A Beautiful Day With A Grateful Hot Lemon Water

Last updated on August 12th, 2023 at 05:56 pm

What is hot lemon water? Hot lemon water is a mixture of plain water and lemon juice or a slice of lemon. Water is essential for many bodily functions, including temperature regulation and waste removal.

Drinking hot lemon water in the morning is one of the simple things you can add to your daily routine which can have a large impact on your health.  The update includes F.A.Q like: Hot lemon water for weight loss,  blood pressure.

The smallest changes in your routine can have a big impact on your health.

Nutritionists and celebrities alike are raving about the benefits of drinking a single glass of hot lemon water 15-30 minutes before breakfast. 

FAQ about hot lemon water

Is it safe to drink lemon water on an empty stomach?

TimesNowNews said “Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is thought to improve digestion, boost metabolism, and helps in maintaining the Ph balance of the body. Lemon water can be actually beneficial for overall health by cleansing internal waste and removing toxins from the system”. An additional reason to drink hot lemon water for weight loss is that  drinking lemon juice with warm water also helps reduce joint and muscle pain

Hot lemon water before bed? published that “Drinking warm water before bed will keep you hydrated through the night and may help the body to rid itself of unwanted toxins. It may also help to relieve pain or cramping in the stomach. If plain water is too bland or if you’re trying to beat a cold, consider adding lemon to your water before bed.”

Health benefits at night

Lemon water is most effective if consumed first thing in the morning. It is recommended to add lemon juice to warm water because it helps extract vitamin C and polyphenols from the lemon and its peel. Also, how much lemon water you drink daily is important.

Hot lemon water for weight loss

According to Healthline, lemon water is no better than regular water when it comes to weight loss. However, it can be used as a low-calorie replacement in place of a high-calorie beverage. This can potentially promote weight loss.

Lemon water high blood pressure

Lemon has been shown to reduce blood pressure and has the added benefit of adding a little flavor to a boring glass of water.

Can you drink lemon water while fasting?

Intermittent Fasting can be such a great weight loss tool, is because you naturally have low levels of insulin while you fast. it’s important to not eat more than one gram of both protein and carbohydrates so that insulin does not spike. has published that Lemon juice contains a small number of carbohydrates, but by sticking with around 1/4 of a juiced lemon or less, you should be in the clear during your fasted state. 

Does adding lemon to your coffee really help you lose weight?

A popular social media post claims that an accompanying video shows a doctor recommending the intake of water with lemon juice and coffee powder for quick weight and fat loss.

Sorry to disappoint, but this viral TikTok trend is no “detox” miracle or magic weight loss elixir

Recipe For Lemonade

Here’s a simple recipe for homemade lemonade:


4-6 large lemons (depending on their size and your taste preference)
1 cup granulated sugar (adjust according to your desired sweetness)
6 cups cold water
Ice cubes

  • Start by juicing the lemons.
  • Roll them on a countertop to soften them before cutting them in half and squeezing out the juice. You can use a citrus juicer or simply squeeze them by hand.
  • Strain the lemon juice through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any seeds or pulp. Pour the strained juice into a pitcher.
  • In a separate bowl, combine the granulated sugar with 1 cup of water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved, creating a simple syrup.
  • Add the simple syrup to the pitcher with the lemon juice.
  • Pour in the remaining 5 cups of cold water and stir well.
  • Taste the lemonade and adjust the sweetness or tartness by adding more sugar or lemon juice, if desired.
  • Place the pitcher in the refrigerator to chill for at least 30 minutes.
  • When ready to serve, fill the glasses with ice cubes and pour the chilled lemonade over the ice.
  • Garnish with lemon slices or mint leaves, if desired.
  • Stir before serving and enjoy your refreshing homemade lemonade!
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