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Women’s Health: Natural Ways to Lower Uric Acid

Last updated on July 19th, 2023 at 01:34 pm

Women’s health is a critical issue that needs to be addressed with care and attention. There are many factors that can affect women’s health, including genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. One condition that can impact women’s health is gout, a type of arthritis that can cause severe pain and discomfort. While gout is more commonly associated with men, women are also at risk for developing this condition.

In this article, we will discuss the risk factors for gout in women and provide tips on how to improve women’s health and reduce the risk of developing this painful condition.

How To Improve  Women’s Health  – The Risk Factors For Gout

Uric Acid: What is it?

Uric acid is the by-product that is left behind after food digestion.

 Normally,  this acid gets filtered out through the kidneys. If the body is unable to get rid of this byproduct then it gets built up in the blood. If left untreated high levels of uric acid can cause painful arthritis,  gout, permanent damage to the bones and joints, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease.

Lifestyle factors that increase the risk of gout in women

There are several lifestyle factors that can increase the risk of gout in women. Here are some of the most common ones:

Diet: Consuming a diet that is high in purines can increase the risk of gout. Purines are found in many foods, including red meat, seafood, and alcohol, particularly beer. Women who consume these foods and drinks regularly may be at a higher risk of developing gout.

Obesity: Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of gout in women. Excess weight can lead to higher levels of uric acid in the blood, which is a key factor in the development of gout.

Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of exercise and physical activity can increase the risk of gout in women. Regular exercise can help to reduce uric acid levels in the blood and promote overall health.

Dehydration: Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can increase the risk of gout. When the body is dehydrated, it is more difficult for the kidneys to remove uric acid from the body.

Medications: Certain medications, such as diuretics and aspirin, can increase the risk of gout in women by interfering with the body’s ability to remove uric acid.

By making lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and avoiding medications that can increase the risk of gout, women can reduce their risk of developing this painful condition.

Foods To Avoid When You Have High Uric Acid

There are some lifestyle changes that you can make to lower its levels like losing weight,  avoiding sugar, avoiding alcohol, and choosing the right kind of food.

Reduce Uric Acid Quickly and Naturally

Fresh fruit and vegetables without any added sugar are a great choice for a low-purine diet.  Vitamin C is found in abundance in fresh produce which helps in cutting down acid levels.

Pinto beans are extremely nutritious. They contain healthy nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help in improving blood sugar and heart health.  This naturally brings down the uric acid content.  It also contains Folic acid which has a therapeutic effect on the body.

Apple cider vinegar is made out of fermented apple cider which has recently gained much popularity for its medicinal properties. If you have a chronic high level of uric acid,  then drinking 1 glass of water with a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar,  2 or 3 times a day, will disable the formation of uric acid crystals in between joints.

Berries like blueberries,  raspberries, and strawberries contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals, and of course antioxidants.  Darker berries are especially great! They contain certain minerals and natural goodness that bring down the uric acid. 

Celery is mostly water, it isn’t one of the most nutrients dense foods but it does have its benefits.  It contains vitamin K, folate, fiber, and potassium and aids with weight loss,  inflammation, and rehydration. Its seeds have a natural compound that is an important element used in the treatment of high uric acid. It (healthy foods) reduces acid levels and also has antioxidant properties.

According to the Clinical Advisor  ” Four Diets Linked to Gout Prevention in Women”.  

Four healthy diets were linked to gout prevention in women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study: the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), Mediterranean, Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI), and Prudent diets. The DASH diet was linked to the greatest risk reduction, as reported in JAMA Internal Medicine

The 4 diets were associated with a reduced risk of gout even in women with overweight or obesity, another major risk factor for gout, suggesting that diet quality has a role in reducing gout risk regardless of BMI.

Research shows the DASH diet improves blood pressure, whereas a Mediterranean-style diet may improve insulin resistance and reduce diabetes risk.


How to improve gut health (Women’s Health):

Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated benefits your health overall and can help prevent constipation. It may also be a simple way to promote a healthy gut.

Eat slowly: This may help you reduce digestive discomfort and maintain a healthy gut.

Change your diet: Reducing the amount of processed, high-sugar, and high-fat foods that you eat may lead to better gut health.

Eating a diet high in fiber likely contributes to a healthy gut microbiome as well. You may also positively impact your gut by eating foods like vegetables, fruits, coffee, tea, wine

Lower your stress levels: A few ways to lower stress may include: meditating, walking, laughing, practicing yoga

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4 thoughts on “Women’s Health: Natural Ways to Lower Uric Acid”

  1. Uric acid is a waste product your body produces when it breaks down purines – substances found in certain foods. A balance is crucial: too much can lead to gout or kidney stones.

  2. Don’t underestimate the power of sleep! Good quality sleep helps regulate the hormones that control your appetite, so you can burn calories more effectively. #SleepHealth

  3. I appreciate the focus on natural ways to lower uric acid. It’s empowering to know that there are practical steps women can take to support their health.

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