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Stop Dog Whining For Attention – 5 Simple Techniques

dogs pay attention

Last updated on March 9th, 2025 at 02:04 pm

Dog Whining For Attention: Intelligent creatures recognize human emotions and intentions. If you pay close attention to your dog’s behavior, you’ll notice subtle clues that he wants something specific from you. Knowing what those cues mean can allow you to respond appropriately and give him the comfort he deserves.

Dogs whine for various reasons, including seeking attention. They might whine because they’re excited, anxious, frustrated, or want food or a walk.

Practical Strategies to Address Your Dog’s Attention-Seeking Whining

If your dog is whining for attention, there are a few strategies you can use to address this behavior:

  1. Ignore the Whining: If you’re sure your dog’s needs are met (they’ve been fed, had water, gone to the bathroom, etc.) and they’re not in pain or distress, the best course of action may be to ignore the whining. Paying attention to your dog when they whine teaches them that whining is a successful way to get your attention. By ignoring them, you’re showing them that complaining won’t get them what they want.

  2. Reward Quiet Behavior: Wait until your dog is quiet, then give it attention, treats, or whatever else it might be seeking. This helps reinforce that being quiet, not whining, is the best way to get what your dog wants.

  3. Distract Them: If your dog won’t stop whining, redirect their attention to something else. You can use a toy, start a training session, or engage them in a physical activity like a walk or game.

  4. Training: Teach your dog the “quiet” command. Start by saying “quiet” when your dog is whining. If it stops whining, even for a moment, reward it with a treat. Eventually, it will learn to associate the command with the action.

  5. Ensure Their Needs Are Met: Make sure your dog gets enough physical exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction every day. A tired dog is a good dog, and adequately meeting these needs can solve many behavioral problems.

  6. Consult a Professional: If your dog’s whining is persistent, consult a professional dog trainer or a behaviorist. They can provide tailored advice and strategies based on your specific situation.

Remember, it’s crucial to rule out any potential medical issues first. If other symptoms accompany your dog’s whining or they seem to be in pain, contact your vet immediately. They might be trying to tell you that something’s wrong.

Brain Training

Brain training is a super-effective way to increase your dog’s ability to pay attention to you!

Many of the Brain Training for Dogs course games are designed to improve your dog’s attentiveness. One of my favorites is “The Airplane Game,” which you can access for free. In this simple game, your dog will learn the following essential skills:

Dog’s Attention – The “Smacking Sound”

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a noise we could make at any time to get our dog to pay attention to us immediately? Fortunately for us, there is, and it’s called the “smacking sound”! But before we can harness its power, we must teach our dog that this sound = is food.

After doing this for a while, you should notice that your dog looks at you for his treat whenever you make the sound. With continued practice, you can use the smacking sound in everyday life to grab your dog’s attention!

The Importance of Incentives

There are many different types of incentives, but food rewards are the most common. These rewards are given to a dog whenever he successfully performs a particular action. So, let’s say we just started teaching our dog to “sit” for the first time. When he sits successfully, we will reward his effort by slipping him a doggy biscuit or piece of kibble.

Now, the next time we ask him to sit, he will be eager to do so because he knows he will get something tasty in return!

Brain Training for Dogs program 

In the Brain Training for Dogs program, I cover techniques for stopping your dog from receiving a treat every time he successfully performs a certain action and introduces other forms of reward.

What Makes My Dog Training System So Unique…

Most Dog training programs today fail to engage your Dog on a mental level and fail to develop his/her intelligence. With enough mental stimulation – many problem behaviors simply melt away.

Dog training programs fail you and your dog because they never address the root cause of your dog’s problem behavior. They just give you some cookie-cutter technique to stop biting, chewing, or barking – which is short-term in its effectiveness at best – again because it does not address the root cause of the problem.

Most dog training programs use outdated force and dominance techniques, which the latest research has proven NOT to work. My methods are force-free and gentle. They rely on the latest science in dog behavior research to create a strong bond between you and your dog and positive emotions in your dog as opposed to fearful ones. They only reinforce the behaviors you want.

PHONEYS creates many other online dog training programs with no certifications… This is dangerous since using the wrong techniques can worsen problem behaviors or even cause a bite in some cases. Avoid taking advice from any “trainer” who does not list his/her professional certifications.

When you stimulate your dog’s mind correctly with a specific set of games, I will show you…

  • Your dog’s problem behaviors can fade away
  • Your dog will be better-behaved and more obedient
  • Your dog’s ability to learn will skyrocket
  • Your dog’s temperament will improve
  • Your bond with your dog will become stronger
  • Your dog’s health will improve

Obedience 101 Training (dog’s attention) …which includes:

  • Insider secrets of using a ‘food lure’ to train your dog to complete your commands.
  • The critical element needed to get your dog to sit/lie down/take or leave items.
  • Key strategies for getting your dog to stay/heel/come to you and listen to your every command. You will also learn how to teach your dog to ‘drop it,’ which can save your dog’s life if he picks up something dangerous!
  • You will discover the exact methods I have used to successfully teach obedience commands to hundreds of dogs and learn the secrets that will make your dog eager to listen to your every word!

Source & Credits:

How To Make Dogs Listen & Get Dogs Attention

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6 thoughts on “Stop Dog Whining For Attention – 5 Simple Techniques”

  1. While it’s true that some dogs may appear to lack attention, it’s important to remember that dogs, like humans, have unique personalities and behaviors

  2. When it comes to dogs whining for attention and barking, it’s important to understand that these behaviors often stem from a need for communication and interaction. By providing positive attention when your dog is calm and quiet, and redirecting their focus when they whine or bark, you can help them learn more appropriate ways to seek your attention

  3. Ensure your dog is getting enough exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization. Whining could be a sign of underlying anxiety or boredom.

  4. We tried everything with our dog’s whining – treats, toys, you name it. Turns out, what she really craved was attention, but the right kind. Now we make sure she gets plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, and the whining has become so much less frequent

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